
Rose Bowl Flea Market

For over 50 years the Rose Bowl Flea Market has been the most well-attended and vendor-profitable flea market in the entire country. The market is known all over the world because of its uniqueness, the quality of vendors, and great shoppers of all ages. We can’t think of a better place to have a great outdoor experience than the Rose Bowl America’s STADIUM. We look forward to a successful future.

*The granddaddy of them all, The Rose Bowl Flea Market is considered an outdoor MEGA event and it is held on the second Sunday of each month.

Rain or shine!

NO PETS ALLOWED ( Service animals only)


Call our office for space availability and to purchase space(s)

(323)560-7469  dial 0.

on Monday-Friday

Welcome to the world’s most unusual flea market the shopping place of the stars. Features over 2,500 vendors and 20,000 buyers every Month. The Rose Bowl Flea Market is one of the most famous markets in the world. Celebrating 50 years of continued success at the world-famous Rose Bowl in Pasadena California. If you come to shop or just browse you will truly enjoy the experience.

For all the future event dates go to the calendar tab and arrow through the calendar months for this event.

Work with us!

(Starts at 9:am  for the general public.)

Rain or shine!

  • $13.00 per person (+$.72 fees) total price $13.72 online only.
  • Children under 12 are admitted free with an adult.

VIP admission

Rain or shine!

(From 5:00am – 8:45 am)

Please keep in mind that if you arrive at 5:00 am lighting is limited and vehicles are still in the process of moving in.  Please use caution in the early morning hours when walking the event.

  • $20.00 per person (+$1.10 fees) total price $ 21.10 online only.


There is plenty of FREE PARKING and there is also  PREFERRED PARKING  at $20.00 credit card and cash are accepted.

Food & beverages

Food and beverages are available. Some of the products available are: Danish, Cinnabon rolls, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, tacos, burritos, french fries, garlic fries, gourmet pretzels, Louisiana hot link, tri-tip, pulled pork, pizza, rice bowls, sushi, snacks, sodas, water, coffee, frozen lemonade, fruit drinks, smoothies, energy drinks, beer,

wine, and cocktails.

Prices are in the $5.50 to $9.00 range.

Group rates

SPECIAL group rates are available. Tour groups are welcome and will receive VIP service and discounts, easy access bus parking, and a representative to handle all your questions and needs.

Special services

Handicap parking and restrooms are available. Sorry there are no wheelchair or stroller rentals.

ATMs are available near the main pass gate at the front entrance.

Ride Share Friendly
Handicap Van – Limo – Taxi – Uber – Lyft
Drop off and pick-up at Gate “C”

Admission ticket(s) are available for purchase online at eventbrite.com

Sorry no pets allowed unless they are certified service animals.

Sorry we do not have any wheelchair or stroller rentals.

All food is sold by a licensed contractor only.

Blue Area

New Merchandise

$140.00 – $250.00 (front of circle)

Purple Area

Arts and Crafts

$125.00 – $125.00

Pink Area

New Merchandise

$100.00 – $125.00 (back of circle)

Red Area

New Merchandise

$120.00 – $140.00

Yellow Area

New and General Merchandise

$225.00 – $225.00

Orange Area

Antique Merchandise

$125.00 – $250.00

White Area

Vintage & General Merchandise

$100.00 – $125.00

For general information please read more on the reverse side of your ticket:

  •  “Event goes on rain or shine“, “no refunds or exchanges” and “all sales are final“.
Selling space is available for the sale of any type of used, antique, second-hand, or new merchandise. Only one vehicle will be allowed to enter per selling space. Trailers are considered vehicles and are only allowed if additional space is purchased.
The only restricted items are food and drink of any kind, pharmaceuticals, no CBD products, no animals, guns, ammunition, knives, swords, machetes, pornography, and services requiring any type of physical contact.

Move-In Hours are 4:00am to 6:30am. (Arrival after 6:30am may void the ticket) or you may wait up to an hour to receive a space. The space you will receive will be a cancellation.

Space size(s) vary depending on location (please see the prices above which indicate space size(s) and prices.) If you have a space without a car, you may drive in unload and move your vehicle to an adjacent parking lot.

The Event goes on RAIN or SHINE. There are No Refunds or Exchanges on spaces.
You are allowed to sell your own items twice (2) a year without a California resale number. For all other merchandise, you are required to apply for a resale permit. The permit must have the added address of the Rose Bowl Flea Market (1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena, Ca 91103). When you receive your permit please email a copy of your seller’s permit to greg@rgcshows.com. If you are an occasional seller you must present your driver’s license number and the state it was issued in, and the items your selling. All sellers must have their tickets signed before entering.

Please read all the rules on the reverse side of your ticket.

Trademark counterfeiting is a federal and state crime punishable by substantial fines and imprisonment.  Federal law provides up to $2,000,000 and imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Recent inspections by third-party trademark enforcement teams have identified goods bearing the Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, and Marc Jacobs trademarks.  These marks include the “LV,” “LOUIS VUITTON,” toile monogram, “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS,”  Damier,  Epi Leather, S-Lock, and “Flowers”.

Any vendor with counterfeit, black-market, or illegal merchandise of any kind on display for sale in their booth location is subject to immediate eviction, possible arrest, and confiscation of all such merchandise. (See rule 31, located on the reverse side of your seller’s ticket). Anti-counterfeit enforcement teams will be on location in search of any such merchandise.  All merchants are subject to random inspections to determine whether counterfeit goods are being offered for sale. We suggest if you do not have written proof of the products trademarked above authenticity, do not display or sell the product at the Rose Bowl Flea Market.  

For questions concerning illegal merchandise please call (323)560-7469 x 503

Please note we will no longer allow any extra vehicles to enter the event. Only one vehicle will be allowed to enter on each seller ticket. Each seller(s) ticket allows up to four people to enter and they all must enter together.
When sending in checks be sure to indicate the date and color area you desire. Simply mail your check to us, we will confirm your space by mail and send all additional information needed.
Will calls for are located at gate “C”. Tickets for the White area and will calls and day of event sales are located at the White area move-in gate.
All prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Special promotional campaigns may be offered throughout the year ask a sales representative for additional information. All promotional campaigns apply to new customers only they do not apply to existing customers.
Tickets may be purchased in advance by mail, online, or over the phone with a credit card. Tickets can also be purchased at gate “C” on the event morning for cash or credit card.
If you do not receive your ticket(s) in the mail or get a duplicate if your tickets are lost. You can go to the will-call office on the day of the event for assistance.

VENDOR RULES AND REGULATIONS (Please read carefully)

  1. The acceptance of this signed seller’s permit constitutes an implied agreement to adhere to the Rules and Regulations. The person using this ticket assumes all risk of personal injury and loss of property. Management reserves the right to revoke the license granted by this ticket. All sales are final. NO refunds or exchanges.
  2. Management reserves the right to change a vendor’s location and or space size without prior notice and without refunds.
  3. The Management reserves the right to formulate additional Rules & Regulations as needed and without notice, and each seller shall abide by them.
  4. The event goes on rain or shine. No refunds, exchanges, or credits may be made for any reason. Tickets lost or stolen will not be replaced or refunded. Vendors’ spaces that are not occupied by the end of move-in (except cancellations in rule #7) may be voided and denied entry with no refunds. Event date subject to change.
  5. Supply your own tables and chairs.
  6. Selling spaces vary in size depending on location. See your ticket for the exact dimensions.
  7. Cancellation (stand-by) spaces are non-refundable unless we cannot accommodate you with space. No trucks, trailers, or extra vehicles are allowed. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to cancellation move-in time.
  8. Space is for the sale of any type of merchandise, or for offering a service or soliciting business.
    No food or beverages of any kind including prepackaged food, produce, or canned items. Also, no animals, adult-oriented items, gas-filled balloons, knives, guns, ammunition, no medical treatment or services that require physical contact, or any items which are controversial or morally questionable in nature may be sold including drug-oriented items. No games or sideshows are allowed.
  1. In order to help control traffic congestion, only one vehicle will be allowed to enter per selling space. Any additional vehicles carrying merchandise will be required to purchase an additional selling space, if available. No trailers are permitted unless additional space is purchased. The vehicle cannot be longer than 20’, or an additional space must be purchased.
  2. No pets are allowed. Sellers are not permitted to bring pets, even if they remain in the vehicle.
  3. All sellers must have a California State Board of Equalization Resale Permit unless they are a one-time seller of used merchandise. To obtain a sellers permit or further info go to boe.ca.gov California Department of Tax and Fee Administration Glendale, CA
  4. Office Phone number (818) 543-4900. 
  5. You are allowed to sell your own items twice (2) a year without a California resale number. For all other merchandise, you are required to apply for a resale permit. The permit must have the added address of the Rose Bowl Flea Market (1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena, Ca 91103). When you receive your permit please email a copy of your seller’s permit to greg@rgcshows.com. If you are an occasional seller you must present your driver’s license number and the state it was issued in, and the items your selling. All sellers must have their tickets signed before entering. 

  6. Each seller shall comply with all applicable city, county, state, and federal laws and shall hold the management harmless against any failure to do so.

  7. Early or out-of-town sellers are NOT permitted to line up for move-in before 1 a.m. on the morning of the event. Also, NO seller may line up in driveways or park in any red curb areas. Violators will be towed away or cited at their own expense.
  8. A maximum of four (4) people per seller’s booth, and a maximum of two (2) people per carrying in the seller’s booth, will be allowed to enter the event, they must accompany the seller at the time of ticket validation. Additional helpers or those arriving later will be required to purchase admission tickets at the box office.
  9. Spaces will be revoked if a seller picks up people outside the event trying to gain early admission or reallocate tickets for others to gain entry.
  10. The speed limit inside the event is 3 M.P.H. Pedestrians have the right of way.
  11. Gates will open for vendors to leave at APPROXIMATELY 3:30 p.m. Leaving early is not permitted.
  12. Sellers are required to keep their booth area and the area directly in front of their booth clean. When leaving, your space MUST be clean and in the same condition as when you arrived or you may be banned from further events. Violators are subject to a cleanup charge. Trash, boxes, or other debris may not be left on the grounds.
  13. All dealings conducted by booth personnel must be performed so as not to infringe upon the rights of other sellers or offend visitors to the event. Should the seller desire to pass out printed material, or other articles, this must take place only from within the assigned space, subject to PRIOR management approval. No manner of attracting attention in a noisy or undignified manner will be permitted.
  14. The producer retains the rights to restrict, exclude, or evict sellers or exhibits, which, because of their method of operation, noise, or other features, become objectionable or which, in the opinion of the producer, may detract from the general character of the event as a whole. This includes persons, things, printed matter, or anything else the producer judges to be objectionable. If the above-mentioned action becomes necessary, the producer may retain the rent paid as liquidated damages for breach of the agreement.
  15. The seller is advised that the producer assumes no responsibility whatsoever to insure the safety or protect in any way, the property of the seller from fire, theft, malicious mischief, accident, or other cause. The seller is charged with the responsibility of protecting his own property at all times during the event.
  16. A reward of $100.00 will be paid to any person providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone offering for sale stolen goods at the event. The information must be presented to the manager of the event or appropriate enforcement authorities.
  17. Due to the family atmosphere of the event, the management reserves the right to reasonably restrict the sale of printed material, photographs, books, and magazines in order to maintain a proper moral and wholesome environment.
  18. Excessive noises (such as stereos, radios, televisions, shouting, and amplified voices) will not be allowed if such noises disturb other sellers or shoppers.
  19. The management reserves the right to reasonably refuse service and/or admission to anyone.
  20. All sellers setting up a canopy in a space must have it properly anchored and constructed. The management shall not be responsible or liable for a seller’s use of a canopy or its construction. Each seller shall hold the management harmless from and indemnify the management against any injury that may occur in a seller’s space due to the use of a canopy. If a seller erects a canopy, the management reserves the right to require the seller to take it down at any time due to windy conditions; however, the management will not be liable for this decision. The management will not give refunds if it requires the removal of canopies.
  21. Electricity is very limited, with no guarantee.
  22. A seller who does not occupy an electrical space may not run a cord to these spaces without prior approval from the management. Sellers may not have electrical cords in the aisles. The management shall not be responsible for any damage or injury that may occur as a result of electrical cords or wiring.
  23. This ticket remains the property of R.G. Canning Enterprises, Inc. and must be produced for inspection and surrendered upon demand to an authorized Company Official.
  24. A seller’s license cannot be assigned, transferred, or resold by a seller, and any such assignment, transfer, or resale shall be null and void. Unless you have received prior management approval.
  25. Any vendor caught selling stolen, counterfeit, black market, illegal merchandise of any kind or any food or beverages, is subject to having said merchandise confiscated at the event, may face arrest by local authorities, immediate eviction from the event, and loss of selling privileges without a refund.
  26. Except for Management’s willful or grossly negligent conduct, Seller hereby agrees that Management and or the hosting Public Entity or City, shall not be liable for any injury to Seller’s business or loss of income therefrom or for damage to the goods, wares, merchandise, or other property of Seller; nor shall management of the hosting Public Entity or City be liable for injury to the person of Seller, Seller’s employees, agents or invitees, whether such damage or injury is caused by or results from fire, electricity, gas, water or rain from the breakage, collapse, depression or other defects of paved areas, structures, fences or from any other cause, whether such damage results from conditions arising upon the premises or upon other portions of the area at large in which the seller’s rented space is a part, or from any other sources or places. Management and or the hosting Public Entity or City shall not be liable or Seller for any damages arising from any act or neglect of any other seller, or invitee, of the entire area of the event in which the seller’s rented space is located.
  27. Seller shall indemnify and hold Management, Producer, Hosting Public Entity, or City harmless from and against any and all claims arising from Seller’s space or from the conduct of its employees or other sellers’ use of the rented space or general premises or from any activity, work or other things which may be permitted or suffered by Seller in or about the entire premises including all damage, costs, attorney’s fees, expenses and liabilities in the defense of any claim or action or proceeding arising therefrom. Except for Management’s or Producer’s willful or grossly negligent conduct, Seller assumes all risk of damage to property, and Seller hereby waives all claims in respect thereof against Management, Producer of the hosting Public Entity.
  28. No vendor shall physically alter the grounds of the event in any manner, including driving any objects into the ground to secure canopies, securing their merchandise or canopies to the fences, or painting or marking the ground in any way.
  29. All vendors driving on the grounds are required to have in their possession a valid Driver’s License and proof of automobile insurance.
  30. No open flame or BB-Q cooking is permitted at the event.
  31. At this time RG Canning does not require proof of Liability Insurance, however, each vendor is completely liable for anything that happens in their selling areas and for the products that they sell, as well as their method of operation. We strongly recommend you review your current insurance coverage with your insurance carrier. If your current carrier does not include this coverage, we suggest the following company; SwapPRO Insurance, 800-428-1985, or swapproinsurance.com.

Additional rules specific to the Rose Bowl Flea Market

  1. Sellers’ move-in may begin as early as 4:00 a.m. up to 6:00 a.m. Pre-purchased reserved spaces will only be held open until 6:00 a.m. Sellers arriving after 6:00 a.m. may be relocated without compensation or refunds. Cancellation vendors begin moving in around 7:30 a.m. Cancellation vendors must arrive prior to 7:00 a.m. No trucks or trailers. Always see our website for any changes. rgcshows.com
  2. Any seller may purchase a reserved numbered space for one or more months at a time. HOWEVER, anyone who wishes to keep the same space number permanently each month MUST keep that number purchased at least three months AHEAD at all times. Failure to do so may result in a $25 late fee per incident, or the space being released.

4515 East 59th Place • Maywood, CA 90270 323-560-SHOW (7469)

rgcshows.com Rev. 2/2015

To become a permanent vendor you need to buy a vendor ID for $10.00 and the available space you have selected. You will purchase 3 tickets for that space and each time you come to the event you need to purchase another. This keeps you 3 months ahead at all times and maintains your permanent status.

Sales Tax Requirement,

You can apply for your permit on line or by phone by answering a few basic questions there is no fee or charge to obtain your permit.

This permit is for the collection of sales tax on the items you are selling.

If you are not selling any items and just seeking leads for your product you are not required to have a permit.

If you are a one-time seller selling used items you can sell twice in one calendar year without a permit.

When  applying  your new business address is 1001 Rose Bowl Drive Pasadena, Ca 91103.

A copy of your seller’s permit will also need to be with you in your selling booth(s)

at the event.

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